“Oh, wouldn’t it be lover-ly?” sings Eliza Doolittle {played by Audrey Hepburn} in the beginning of one of my favorite movies: My Fair Lady. I remember watching it as a kid on VHS and fast forwarding through the singing bits. I loved to start at the part where Eliza would finally get to wear fancy dresses and look real nice. I also remember watching the movie, seeing Eliza transform from a poor street urchin to a fabulously well-mannered well-dressed lady, and thinking that some day, I would become such a fabulous lady. If Eliza could do it, so could I. Besides, then I could wear something as lovely as the dress Eliza wore to the ball closer to the end of the movie. Those who’ve seen the movie know what I’m talking about. Yes, this:


I always loved the fashion in the movie. But this dress was by far my favorite. Eliza was simply stunning. I did eventually wear a beautiful white dress {yes, my wedding dress}. I eventually did grow up to be lady. But what I had thought made a lady back as a child is far different than reality. But that’s a whole other story. For now, just enjoy Eliza’s dress.

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