It’s been a whirlwind of excitement over on this end. In the beginning of August, the hubs and I found out that we are pregnant! We’ve been hoping and praying that God would send us a little babe and I’m thrilled to say that we are 16.5 weeks into the pregnancy and loving every moment of it! It’s pretty hard keeping a tight lip about this sort of thing, but we decided early on that we’d play it safe and wait until I hit the second trimester before we spilled the beans. And boy, are the beans spilling now!

baby announcement

Okay, so maybe there are some things I don’t love — like the lack of energy I experienced in the first trimester and the constant bathroom breaks I had to take right in the middle of only the important things it seemed — but I’m not complaining because I would much rather choose any of those over constant nausea. I had perhaps five minutes of that total and couldn’t be more thrilled. I have a bitty bump that seems to grow with every week, and honestly, it seems a little bigger than what I thought it would look at 16 weeks. But who cares, right? There’s something precious growing inside me — and please belly, keep growing!

I’m really looking forward to our first ultrasound in four weeks when we find out the gender. I want to know just for the sake of knowing. I know that most folks find out in order to prepare for either a boy or a girl (and I guess we’ll be doing that as well in many cases), but I’ve never been the patient sort to wait months to find something out.

On a more business side, things are really going to be changing for me. I’m sharing in a separate blog post about what changes exactly, so you can read all about that tomorrow.