It’s been some months since I’ve been on here and as much as I’ve enjoyed the time off, I’ve also missed being on here more than I expected I would! Little Henry is growing with speed and I can only marvel at how far he’s come since the day we first met him. If you follow me on , you got to see little snaps here and there of him being his adorable self. I remember being overjoyed seeing his first smile, hearing his first sneeze, feeling his first grip on my finger — and now we’re nearly five months old.
Last week I on Instagram of one of my favorite things to do with my little guy (shown above). Snuggling. Over the weekend he got his first cold and now he’s feeling extra snuggly and I’m soaking it all in. Even though he’s feeling pretty crummy, it’s still such a precious moment to see how he’s handling his runny nose. He’s more than content to just lie there and watch me fold laundry or put this blog post together. I just have a hard time understanding how we ever lived without this little guy.
But as this blog post is titled, I am pretty much ready to start blogging again. Hooray! It’s been five months for goodness sakes! So starting next week, get ready to see my blog posts again. There might be a little difference in what goes up when or what type of post I do, but I hope you still enjoy them.
Until then.
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