Nursery Art Prints Coming Soon!
These have been in the works for far too long. I think I decided they were worth bringing into the shop before little H was even born and we just passed his ! Well, the wait will soon be over. I’m planning on releasing four fun prints into the shop early May. They will be styled just like my signature paper-layered cards, just bigger! Are you ready?
Gift Wrap: Polka Feather
Remember my original feathered gift wrap post? Well, I’m recycling the paper feather for another gift wrap post because I love how paper feathers look on packages. Supplies needed:
White polka dot wrapping paper + tape (this paper was found at Target)
Translucent sleeve
Mini card
Mini glitter clothespin
White paper
Chunky glitter
Iridescent + white twine
Glitter glue
Start by making your glittered paper feather. Cut out a feather in a shape you prefer from the white paper; it can be super simple or more intricate like mine. Apply a line of glitter glue down the middle and cover with the chunky glitter. I personally love chunky glitter because it has more texture than fine glitter, but if you prefer yours fine, that’s perfectly fine.
While your feather is drying, begin wrapping your package in the polka dot paper and secure with double sided tape. We never want to see tape on a wrapped gift (unless it’s washi tape, of course). Using the twine, wrap it around your package a few times and secure in the back with a knot. Insert your card into the sleeve, slide it underneath the twine, and pin your paper feather onto the sleeve with a mini clothespin. I used the same color of glitter clothespin as the glitter on the feather, but if you want to play around with color, the power is in your hands!
By Anastasia Marie
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New in the Shop
I’ve recently added some new packaging goods to the shop. More are still on their way and I will share about them next week. See anything you like? Find these things and more here: AnastasiaMarieShop.
By Anastasia Marie
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Moving Forward.
This week I’ve spent putting together lots of new items to put into the shop. I’m pretty excited about them! Some of them will be those long-promised items that I think I was planning on having available before Henry was born (it’s never too late, right?) and I can’t wait to show you. I just need to snap some photos of them and get them listed. Henry is turning one soon and is getting more and more independent. I’ve been waiting and waiting for the time when he’s more than happy to play without me so I could use that time to get more things done with the Shop and blog. I think that time has finally arrived! Let’s see how this goes!
On a personal note, remember when I mentioned Henry going through some major teething pain? Well, it turns out it was much more than that. The poor guy had a case of Roseola and a cold/flu following — all on top of his teething aches and pains. Knowing all this, I have a much higher appreciation for my little guy. Through all the suffering, he certainly was cranky, but not as cranky as one would expect. I know I certainly would have been much more cranky than him if I had all that tumble upon me at once. I’m happy to say that he’s been super chipper for a week now. Love seeing him back to his old self.
By Anastasia Marie
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Custom Card: Pediatrician
This card was custom created to thank a pediatrician for finding the reason behind a child’s illness when no one else could. For parents, not knowing how to help our child is a scary thing and finding getting some answers was a huge relief for these parents.
See more of my custom cards here.
By Anastasia Marie
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© 2015 Anastasia Marie. All Rights Reserved.
By Anastasia Marie
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